You can then set the ignition timing to 10 degrees with the engine running, using a timing light. To set the timing with MSnS-E, go to the Spark Settings menu and set Fixed Angle to 10 degrees. Often, an angle of 60 degrees will get you in the ballpark.
The Trigger Angle setting will depend on the physical location of the trigger pickup. Set the Dwell Control mode to Fixed Duty with a 50% duty cycle. In MegaTune, you must set Spark Output Inverted to No.
Configured for MSnS Spark Output using LED 17 (D14). Connect the #6 pin of the Bosch ignition module to the MegaSquirt’s spark output pin. Connect the signal wire from the Hall effect sensor on the distributor to pin 24 (Tach on the relay board, if used). Run a wire from PAD1 to the center hole of Q16. Solder a wire from XG1 to pin 2 of the JP1 jumper. Use this wire/resistor combo to connect pin 3 of the JP1 jumper to one of the 5 volt holes in the proto area. Put the jumper on J1 in the 1-2 position for optical output. For this one, you’ll remove the jumpers on XG1 and JP1. BEST CAR FOR MEGATUNE MODS
That’s it! MegaSquirt-I PCBv3.57 Mods Required:
Run a wire from the top leg of D14 to IGN. Solder a 750 ohm to 1K, 1/4 watt resistor from the right (5 volt) leg of R24 to the top (negative) leg of D14. Use this wire/resistor combo to connect OptoIn to one of the 5 volt holes in the proto area. Heatshrink wrap this wire/resistor assembly. Melt the tinned wire tip to one end of the tinned 1K resistor tip and let it cool. Cut a 5″ piece of hookup wire (22ga is fine) and strip just a 1/8″ or so. Tin each end of the resistor with a bit of solder. Get a 1K 1/4w resistor and cut the leads down to about 1/2″ at each end. However, the jumpers are a bit different: All our pre-assembled Megasquirts with the V3.0 board come with this circuit installed. Build the Hall effect input conditioner circuit, as described in MSExtra’s MS1 Manual. Run a wire from the negative leg of D17 to X11. Run a 750 ohm to 1K, 1/4 watt resistor from the right (5v) side of R23 to the negative (top) leg of D17. Run a wire from the bottom hole of R10 to the top of R11. Run a length of wire from XG1 to the right hole of D5. Also remove the jumper between XG1 and XG2. Since there is no need for a VR conditioner or onboard coil driver, this one can use the V2.2, V3.0, or V3.57 board. Using the MegaSquirt-I (MSnS-E) with the Bosch ignition module For the rest of the details, the parts that are the same on every car like the coolant, intake, TPS, and o2 sensors, see the wiring section of. This is the part of the process that’s different from car to car and hence we chime in with specifics to help where we can. BEST CAR FOR MEGATUNE INSTALL
Note that our tech ‘Install Articles’ typically focus on the most confusing part of the install process for the end user, and that’s taking control of the ignition system. The Bosch Hall effect distributors let you use almost any MegaSquirt variant out there. The other EFI systems – L-Jetronic, Motronic, and Digifant – can use their stock hardware. With a K-Jetronic (CIS), you will also need to swap your fuel system over to EFI. Right now this article is only confirmed to work on inline motors. The coil is controlled directly from the ECU, and it is not yet confirmed if the distributor input mods work with the stock distributor. Note: We’ve confirmed that the flat four “Wasserboxer” engines as used on Vanagons use a different ignition system.
This article covers the older 4 vane distributor and the Bosch 139 module. Later VWs used a 60-2 crank trigger to drive a distributor, or later, distributorless ignition systems. This article covers the Hall effect distributor with four teeth, used on most of the ’80s era inline 8V and 16V motors. VW used quite a number of ignition systems on their water cooled engines. If you haven’t already, please read the ‘disclaimer’ at the top of the parent page here.